Thursday, 25 July 2019

Dr. Keith Ablow Explains The Effect Of Eating Disorders

According to studies, it has been projected that around 30 million individuals living in the United States are severely affected by overeating and unhealthy eating habits. However, when it comes to seeking awareness of unhealthy eating practices, most of us ignore it. And the fact is that it can have a lethal impact on your mental health.

Some common myths associated with eating disorders
Dr. Keith Ablow explains that eating disorders are not something that you voluntarily choose. An eating disorder has a considerable impact on mental wellness as well as the physical well being of an individual. Anybody can develop an eating disorder. Sometimes, it can be very serious and fatal. This disorder can severely affect a person’s eating habits and trigger various other physical diseases.

But with effective therapy sessions, eating disorders can be effectively treated and a person can experience a healthy well being. In case you are facing eating disorders, it is best that you visit a psychotherapist as soon as possible and seek medical attention as this disorder is 100% treatable.

Dr. Ablow tells us that we tend to blame our partners, parents, and spouses for developing an eating disorder. The exact reason for developing this attitude is not known, but all eating disorders are a potential result of sociocultural, psychological, and biological issues.

Who should worry?
Different people will experience different types and intensities of eating disorders. However, there are people who are more prone to this ailment. Below is a list that tells who is at risk of developing an eating disorder.
  • A habit of consuming alcohol
  • Genetics of obesity
  • Perfectionism
  • Depression and anxiety
  • Problems in expressing emotions
  • Sexual abuse
  • Physical abuse
  • Excessive aggression
  • Excessive dieting
  • Social media’s unrealistic depiction of having a perfect body
  • Low confidence
  • Low self-esteem
What are the warning signs?
The warning signs of eating disorders are mentioned below:
  • Fear of becoming obese
  • Urge to go to the washroom immediately after eating
  • Checking weight again and again
  • Gastric problems
  • Lethargy
  • Fatigue and dizziness
  • Irritable mood
  • Constant mood swings
  • Irregular menstrual cycle
  • Bradycardia
What are the different types of eating disorders? There are a variety of types pertaining to eating disorders. These are mentioned below:
  • Anorexia Nervosa (AN)
  • Bulimia Nervosa (BN)
  • Binge Eating Disorder (BED)
Dr.Keith Ablow Psychiatrist , MD, is one of the most renowned psychiatrists in the United States. With immense experience and knowledge, Dr. Ablow has treated numerous patients and helped them in living a normal life. It is very important to address the issues that a person is facing. People suffering from eating disorders can be exposed to the dangers of depression, anxiety, sleep disorders, and can also indulge in self-harming and suicide. But with proper psychotherapy sessions, this problem can be treated completely.

Keith Ablow, MD counsels and coaches individuals across the United States and around the world in-person, via Skype or by telephone.  Contact him by emailing or calling 978-462-1125.


Thursday, 18 July 2019

Dr. Keith Ablow Explains The Psychological Effects Of Alcohol Misuse

A glass of red wine or a chilled beer is a common way of ending a stressful and tiring day. But crossing the limits of alcohol consumption can make you prone to various diseases and alcohol misuse. There is a fine line between consuming just the right amount and crossing that line. But how do you know that you have fallen prey to Alcohol Use Disorder (AUD)?

Dr. Keith Ablow, a prominent psychologist states that having one drink a day is justifiable. But consuming more than that crosses the border line of drinking in “moderation”. One drink makes for:
  • 5 ounces wine
  • 12 ounces of beer
  • 1.5 ounces liquor
Another aspect of drinking is to ascertain the quantity of drink that you consume on an average for a week. Heavy drinking in women accounts for approximately seven drinks per week. For men, it can range between 14-16 drinks per week.

What is Alcohol Use Disorder?
Heavy or risky drinking can be a potential sign of a medical disorder known as alcohol use disorder (AUD). It is a chronic ailment that has lethal effects on the nervous system in the human body. Various studies project that around 18 million people in the United States have this disorder. Having this disease can also be because of genetics.

What are the psychological effects of AUD?
While anyone can fall prey to this serious psychological disorder, there are various factors that determine the severity of the psychological impact. These are:
  • The age of the individual
  • The quantity of alcohol being consumed
  • Genetics of the person
  • Overall health status of the individual
Based on these factors, the psychological effects of alcohol abuse can be categorized under two main categories, namely:
  1. Short-term effects
    1. Memory loss
    2. Problems in focussing
    3. Blurry vision
    4. Reflex issues
    5. Instant stress reduction
    6. Reduction in inhibitions
  2. Long-term effects
    1. Increased substance use
    2. Increased dependency
    3. Problems in learning
    4. Interruption on brain enhancement
    5. Increased alcohol dependency
    6. Major depression and nervousness
What are the symptoms of having AUD? The symptoms of Alcohol Use Disorder can be stated as follows:
  • The urge to consume alcohol again and again
  • Consuming alcohol in risky situations
  • Recurring negative thoughts
  • Continuing to drink even if health problems persist
  • Lack of control on alcohol consumption
  • Refraining from doing important activities because of alcohol consumption
Dr. Keith Ablow MD, one of America’s leading psychiatrists has a multi-city private practice that treats adults and adolescents. He states that there are certain ways of treating AUD. With effective psychotherapy, you can understand the cons of indulging into such practices and refrain from depending on alcohol for solutions. Dr. Ablow has helped in healing numerous patients across the United States, Asia, and Europe.

Friday, 12 July 2019

Dr. Keith Ablow Talks About The Symptoms and Self-Care Tips For OCD

It is a misconception that people suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder like things super clean and organized wherever they go. However, this is not the case. Obsessive Compulsive Disorder is a mental health condition that can have devastating effects on the real life of an individual.

It is a mental illness that revolves around a repetitive obsession for validation, chain thoughts, and distressing reactions. According to reports furnished by the World Health Organization in the year 2001, OCD topped the list of the most prevalent diseases. The reports also projected that OCD was placed at the fourth rank after substance abuse, major depression, and certain phobias.

Dr.Keith Ablow states that OCD can have a series of reasons attached with it. It indeed has a great impact on the personal life, work, and social life of an individual.

Symptoms of Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
The symptoms of OCD can be classified into two categories, namely:

  1. Obsessions: We all become obsessed with something or the other in our routine life. It is a completely healthy practice, but losing your mind over some obsession is unhealthy. An individual suffering from OCD experiences excessive overthinking and get anxious that encourages them to indulge in unhealthy practices to stop thinking and worrying. The symptoms are as follows:
    1. Chain thoughts
    2. Over thinking
    3. Continuous feeling of fear and doubt
    4. Major anxiety and nervousness
  1. Compulsions: Compulsion is a behavioural problem. When a person experiences OCD compulsion he/she feels the need to perform a particular behaviour like a compulsion. On repeating a particular type of behaviour, the person feels relieved and comfortable. Although, it is only a temporary solution. The symptoms of OCD are as follows:
    1. Cleaning and washing vigorously
    2. Checking things again and again
    3. Following a strict diet
    4. Asking for reassurance and validation again and again
    5. orderliness
Self-Care tips
Dr. Keith Ablow suggests the following self-care tips if suffering from Obsessive Compulsive Disorder
  • Take medicines properly
  • Follow your prescriptions
  • Do not seclude yourself from socializing
  • Practice meditation and calming techniques
Dr. Keith Ablow MD is one of the leading adolescent and adult psychiatry experts across America. Dr. Ablow has treated thousands of patients and helped them live a healthy life.

Wednesday, 3 July 2019

Keith Ablow Comments on Drinking in America

One of Keith Ablow’s main points about drinking in America is that, “A significant portion of our population wants to not be present for significant portions of every single week.”



Drinking is one of the most popular activities in the country. Everywhere you go, there are alcoholic beverages being served. Every weekend and even on some weekdays there are specials all over the place to get cheap drinks for happy hour. The United States of America is one of the heavier drinking countries in the world by the numbers, but there could be negative effects from all of the alcohol consumption. According to Keith Ablow, “The magnitude of this intoxication—resulting in frequently and dramatically altered states of consciousness for tens of millions of Americans—is no different than if we were to learn that a quarter of our young people were snorting half-a-gram of cocaine more than once-a-week or injecting heroin on that schedule.”

Controlling a drinking habit can be difficult. If you have been drinking all of your adult life it can be hard to stop having a drink with your favorite meal, a glass of wine with your dinner, a beer during the game, or any other time you typically enjoy an alcoholic beverage. It takes a little bit of practice but anyone can learn to reduce their drinking, and this could help society become a little bit better overall.

As Psychiatrist Keith Ablow puts it, “The fact that we are doing this as a culture is the single most ominous psychological trend we have ever faced. I am not exaggerating. Unchecked, it will literally create an absentee nation.”

You may or may not agree with Keith, but the fact of the matter is people in this country do love drinking. There is definitely a chance that the negative aspects of a nation of drinkers outweigh the benefits. Only time will tell what the true effect of drinking is on the country. While drinking might be a fun activity in many different situations, it might not always be the best choice psychologically. Drinking at sporting events, after work, with dinner, with family or friends at home is always going to have an appeal. The trick is being honest and knowing when enough is enough. There can be too much of any good thing, alcohol is no exception. The psychological effects of drinking too much or too often might be damaging in the long run.

Keith Ablow, MD counsels and coaches individuals across the United States and around the world in-person, via Skype or by telephone.  Contact him by emailing or calling 978-462-1125.

Dr. Keith Ablow Explains The Effect Of Eating Disorders

According to studies, it has been projected that around 30 million individuals living in the United States are severely affec...