Sunday, 16 June 2019

Having Marriage Issues? Try Dr. Keith Ablow’s 5-Step Plan

A person holds on to so many things in life. A storm of emotions, pain, and sorrow, can make a person stressed and frustrated. This has a great impact on the relationships as well. You might not even know when your relationships start to suffer because of these problems.

Dr. Keith Ablow Psychiatrist, who has decades of experience in successfully providing marriage counselling and inducing new life into relationships tells that channeling the frustration on relationships, irrespective of the reason is not a healthy practice. Two people who are in a relationship should work together constructively to make things work and allow their marriage to bloom and flourish.

Two people, who are in a relationship and are facing problems in keeping up with their marriage must understand that clinging onto the problems will only worsen the situation. Thus, it is important to focus on the positives, and let go off the negatives.

Below mentioned are the top 5 tips that Dr. Keith Ablow suggests for a successful marriage.

  1. Delete the three A’s: The key to a healthy marriage is to delete the three A’s that can break a marriage. Namely Aggression, Affairs, and Addictions. This is the reason why most of the marriages don’t work out. The key to a happy marriage is to develop a loving attitude towards your spouse and acknowledge their efforts.

  1. Spend more time together: Many times couples don’t understand the fact that it is very important to spend quality time with their partner. Dr. Ablow suggests that a couple should spend as much time as possible with each other to understand where they are lacking and make their marriage work. They should refrain from arguing with each other and understand each other’s perspectives.

  1. Try to understand each others perspective: Clashes happen in every relationship. It is also a healthy practice to some extent. But regularly arguing can certainly cause your marriage to fail, even if you do not want that. Respect your partner's point of view and listen to them carefully. If you have any opinion, resolve it.  

Keith Ablow MD suggests that if even after trying these tips, you are still facing problems in your marriage, then you must go for couple’s therapy.

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